Are we really so consumed with technology that we can't communicate with one another unless there's a keyboard in front of us? Are handwritten birthday cards and love letters all destined to be typed and emailed? Will students no longer pass notes or sign each other's yearbooks because they can't write? Or will they do so in a cryptic print style that looks like a six-year-old taking his first stab at spelling the alphabet?
Imagine if all our historical documents were created in Word and saved in a PDF. The Gettysburg Address, the Constitution, the Emancipation Proclamation, or the Declaration of Independence all written on computers? No emotion conveyed through an extra loopy "y" or "g" and no personality. Without cursive, John Hancock would just be one of the many men who signed the Declaration of Independence—and not a household name that's become a synonym for signature.
A world without handwriting. Is that really where we're headed? If so, I think that's sad.
Funny, I posted on my facebook a few weeks ago when the Wall Street Journal did an article on this topic!
Well, since my post is older than that, can we say I scooped the WSJ??? Hee hee! That would be fun!